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El Barco

1 km from El Barco
Serbian Sea
Cruising on the confluence of rivers Danube and Pek, with a view on Ram and Golubac fortress, is simply astounishing experience. This popular beach among numerous tourists has been visited for decades because of holidays, fishing, and rich night life promising unforgettable good time.
3 km from El Barco
Cozy town for all the dreamers
Veliko Gradište is a town and municipality located in the Braničevo District of the eastern Serbia. It is situated the right bank of the Danube river and left bank of the Pek river. Here you can spend a quiet holiday and stormy weekend, visit cultural and historical monuments or enjoy adventure and recreation. Here everyone can find their own paradise.

36 km from El Barco
Magical combination of Nature & Culture
Spreading at over 63,000 acres of plant and animal abundance of priceless value and beauty, Djerdap National Park is also known as the Iron Gates of the Danube. Gorges, canyons, river valleys and over thousand caves of extraordinary beauty are hidden on the right bank of the river, from the Golubac fortress to the ancient fort of Diana.
24 km from El Barco
The Guardian of the Danube
On the walls of the magnificent Golubac fortress the “košava” wind breaks the waves of the Danube where the river is possibly most powerful, just before entering the largest gorge in Europe between the mighty Carpathian mountains. Like a sad, lonely Byzantine princess, like an eternal vigilant guard by whom no one can slip into the Djerdap Gorge (The Iron Gates of the Danube), the famous Golubac fortress has been defying centuries. but it only had one master, the Danube, the only one that knows all its secrets.

36 km from El Barco
The ancient Roman city
During the last three decades of the 20th century, the necropolae (burial grounds) of Viminacium have been explored and over 13,500 graves were discovered. An interdisciplinary team is engagedin the exploration of the Roman city, consisting of experts of renown from various fields.
28 km from El Barco
It was built in the XVI century, and dedicated to Saint Gabriel. The church within the monastery walls were burnt by the Turks inthe XVIII century, but a new one was built in the next century. Since then, both the church and the whole monastery were ruined, burnt or damaged by explosive a number of times, due to different reasons. There are a few legends about the origins of the monastery, as well as about its past. However, it is most famous by the remains of saint Zosim.

114 km from El Barco
The oldest urban settlement in Europe
A Paleolithic site on the banks of the Danube, is a proof that the local culture developed social relations, architecture and art more than six thousand years ago. The culture of Lepenski Vir is around 8,5 millennia old and it is a cradle of archaeological discoveries that have changed our knowledge about the early Stone Age in Europe.